Feel free to send issue and bugs reports to call.of.war.calc@gmail.com. Changes and updates can be found here.
This is a tool to estimate the outcome of a battle in the game Supremacy 1914. In the game battles have some randomness, but here we try to estimate the average expected outcome, which may differ a bit from any particular in-game battle. In most cases this estimate should be reasonably close to the majority of in-game battles, but there are in-game cases where the random values are, by chance, extreme and can produce unexpected outcomes. You can run the battle a bunch of times with the Simulate Variance option to get a sense of how variable a particular battle might be. If you see a large difference between the in-game result and the calc it is possible that it is due to such an extreme in-game battle. However, it is more likely that inaccurate input values were given to the calc, or that something was missed in the interpretation of the in-game battle. That being said, if you notice something in the calc that seems off feel free to let me know and I'll look into it.
To use this tool, input the troop types, counts, and HP for each army and fill in other relevant data. Leaving something out or misspecifying something can often result in large differences from the game result. To run the battle click one of the "Start Battle" buttons.
Why would I want to use it?
The obvious reason would be to get an idea of how effective a future battle may be and how best to approach it. For new players that don't have a feel for how battles work it would be helpful to explore different scenarios to see how things tend to go. For more advanced players it could help in discovering new battle scenarios and for optimizing troops production.
Below are descriptions of what different input settings mean. They are listed in the order they appear on the page.
There are always two armies or sides, A and B, representing two opponents fighting each other. If two stacks are each attacking the other it makes a difference which side they are on. Army A will always attack first in such a scenario. Which stack attacks first can make a difference in the outcome of a battle so it is good to know which stack it is and put it in Army A. If you are unsure you can try switching sides and see how the results differ. Again, this only applies if both stacks are attacking each other. If, for example, a stack in one army is attacking a stack that is just defending, it will make no difference which side they are on.
Add stack
Click this button to add another stack of units to the battle.
Start Battle
Once you have all of your stacks set up click on of the "Start Battle" buttons to start the battle.
Stack Info
A Stack represents a group of troops that are together when you click them on the map. You can specify one or more stacks and each stack can have one or more unit types.
Attack targets
One of the available terrain options must be selected for each stack. Note that the unit type must match the terrain. For example, infantry can't be in the air. Use unit type "convoy" to indicate a plane convoy on land. For transport ships, set the terrain to sea. Use patrol for planes on patrol missions. If a naval transport is disembarking use debark. If it is embarking use sea.
Transport ships
To specify that units should be considered transport ships that are not disembarking simply set the terrain to sea.
Disembarking units
Disembarking (debarking) units take normal damage instead of naval damage. If the debark terrain is selected for a stack, the stack will take normal damage. Only balloons and units that can be be ferried across the water can be in debark stacks. If a stack is embarking (moving toward the sea) use sea as they are actually transport ships.
For aerial patrols select "patrol" as the terrain and specify a valid target. The patrol will do 4 ticks of 1/4 damage every round.
For the purpose of the calc, the target stacks of the patrol should be in melee range of the position of the planes. For example, if the plane stack is set to position 0, then any enemy a stacks at positions 0-3 will be damaged. Note that this is different than in-game where the patrol radius is much greater than melee range (5km). We just use 5km here to simplify things.
Here are the in-game ranges for the ranged units: Artillery:50, Railgun:150,
Cruiser:40, Battleship:75. For the purposes of the calc all planes are melee
units so their range is effectively 5 km.
Fortresses and buildings
You can add a building associated with a stack with the "add bldg" button.
To account for protection from fortresses and the damage done to fortresses as
the battle progresses, you must add a fortress building along with its level and
HP. You should also add any other buildings that are in the province so the
damage can be calculated accurately. If the province has buildings but no
fortress it will make no difference in the battle. However, you can add
buildings without a fortress if you want to estimate building damage.
Only a single stack at a given position should be assigned the buildings. All
other land stacks at the same position as the stack assigned buildings (except
aircraft transport) will inherit the same set of buildings. If the buildings
include a fortress, all of these stacks will receive the fortification
bonus. When any of these stacks are involved in an attack or defense the
appropriate building damage will be applied. In general, it should work as
If there is a stack at or near the same position that shouldn't receive the
fortification bonus, such as an allies stack or a stack just outside the
province nexus you can give it, assuming the buildings are at position 0 km,
position 1, 2, or 3 km. That way they will still be within melee range for the
battle, but won't recieve the fort protection.
If there is a fortress with other buildings it is a good idea to run the
calculation multiple times with "Simulate Variance" checked. The battle
results can vary dramatically when there is a fortress with other buildings.
More and higher level buildings can lead to more extremes. The variance will
also depend on how much damage the enemy can do to buildings. Without
"Simulate Variance" the result will show the average expected result of the
You can add a hero to the stack with this button. The hero buffs will be applied to the appropriate units in the stack.
To use a hero without any troops just keep one unit and give it a count of zero.
If you are using Fiero “Marco” Martello, the light tank HP values you input
should be the values with Marco in the stack. If you instead use percentage HP
for light tanks in this situation, the calc will adjust the absolute HP values
based on any Marco HP buff. Using the percentage HP here can be useful if,
in-game, you do not currently have Marco in the stack, but you can see the
current unit HP and max HP. The percentage to use would just be 100 * HP /
MAX_HP since this percentage should be the same with or without Marco.
Tatiana Minchakievich and Joseph Joffre have two possible choices depending on
if they are located in a province where they get their buffs.
If you are using the bombardment version of Tōgō Heihachirō the bombardment
ability will be in effect for 6 rounds. This is in additional to the normal
damage that the stack inflicts. Any stack (enemy or your own) within 40 km of
the target stack will take bombardment damage. If you want an enemy stack to
receive bombardment damage, but not the main damage from the stack, put its
position more than 5 km from the target and within 40 km of the target. If you
do not want to damage your own stack put the target more than 40 km away.
Add unit
Click this to add another unit to the stack.
Cut stack
Click this to remove the current stack.
Unit info
For each unit in your stack specify the unit type from the drop down.
Unit count
Enter the number of units of this type at the given level.
Hit points (HP)
Enter either:
1. The number of remaining hit points for this unit (e.g. 17.3), or
2. The percentage of the maximum HP followed by % (e.g. 85%).
If a unit is at max HP but you don't know exactly how many hit points it has you can just use 100%.
The hit points for each unit type in a stack can be found in the "Army Details" tab in-game.
Max Rounds
For plane strikes the calc will assume you are sending the same stack of planes to the target repeatedly until one side dies (just like any other battle), unless you set the "Max Rounds" parameter. To simulate a single bombing run set "Max Rounds" to 1. You may want to set the max rounds to 1 or some other number for any type of battle to see what will happen in a single round.
Update Counts
If this is checked the unit counts and HP values will be replaced with those that are left after the battle. This is particularly use in combination with Max Rounds as you can do one round at a time and see how the condition of the armies change round by round.
New Tab
If you check this the results of an attack will be opened in a new browser tab. This may be useful if you want to search for various optimal combinations but don't want to lose the results of previous tests.
Simulate Variance
If you check this the calculator with simulate randomness in the battle as is
done in the game. Rerunning the battle a bunch of times with this enabled can
give you an idea of the distribution of possible outcomes.
If buildings are specified this option will cause damage to buildings in a
random way as is done in-game. See Fortresses and buildings
for more info.
Auto-targeting behavior
Unspecified values
If any of the requested unit values are missing (e.g. HP is missing or zero)
that unit is ignored. If no unit entries are complete for a stack the whole
stack is ignored. If the format of an input value is wrong (e.g. if you
specify "10x" for the unit count) an error is produced.
The number of dead units of each type is indicated as well as the hit-points
lost. Damage to buildings is also shown. A summary table of the overall battle
is shown for each side that includes lost HP and time and resources required
to rebuild the lost units. If the optional "Update Counts" is specified at
the bottom, the unit count and HP input fields are replaced with resulting